(+ 88 02) 912 7339


Seminary Days 

  1. Pakistan: every year from 1966-1971. 

After Ordination visited Calcuatta in January 1972, first time after 1952.

After Priestly Ordination

  1. Belgium and Europe for Studies (1973-76) and visited Holland, France, Spain, Austria, Luxemberg, Malta, Italy, Germany. 
  2. Provincial Chapter in Montreal, Canada and visted Boston, Washington, South Bend, Chicago, New York, California Los Angeles, Ohio, Tokyo, Manila, Bangkok (July1976) 
  3. Provincial Chapter in Montreal Canada (July 1982) 
  4. Prayer Seminar in Bangalore (May1980) 
  5. All Asian Conference of the Charismatic Renewal in Singapore ( Sept. 1982) 
  6. Marriage Tribunal Course for 3 weeks in Patna, India (May 1982) 
  7. Indiana Provincial Assembly in U.S.A. and a visit to Canada and Belgium (July 1984) 
  8. Indiana Provincial Chapter in Portland, USA and trip to Belgium (July 1985) 
  9. All Asian Workshop on Biblical Apostolate in Hongkong (Oct. 1985) 
  10. General Chapter of the Holy Cross Congregation and at Notre Dame University and trip to Toronto and Montreal (July 1986) 
  11. South Bend USA for medical Treatment (April-June, 1988). My father died on June 12 while in USA. 

After Appointment as Bishop of Rajshahi (1990-1994)

13. FABC Plenary Assembly in Bandung, Indonesia, (July 1990)
14. Missionary Motivation Retreat in Bangalore, India (June 1991)
15. FABC: Colloguium on Social Doctrine of the Church, Pattaya, Thailand (Jan 19-29, 1992)
16. FABC: BIRA V-I Meeting in Multan, (Karachi), Pakistan (Oct. 19-24, 1992)
17. Launching of the New Catechism of the Catholic Church in Pope John Paul II, in Rome (Dec. 3-
10, 1992)
18. FABC: Meeting of the FABC-OSC, UNDA-OCIC and Seminar on Pastoral Planning on Social
Communications, Pattaya, Thailand (Sept. 4-10, 1993)
19. FABC: Training on Effective Leadership of a Bishop, Hongkong (Oct. 20-28, 1993)
20. FABC-OSC meeting and Radio Veritas Business Meeting, Phililippines, (Nov. 13-20, 1993)
19. Radio Veritas Bengali Council Meeting in Calcutta, India (February 7-15, 1994)
20. Ad Limina Visit to Rome, (March 4-15, 1994). Also visited Milan (16-18) and Belgium (18-21).
21. FABC: Consultation Meeting on the Synod on Consecrated Life, Hua Hin, Thailand (May 8-15,
22. Bishop’s Synod on Consecrated Life, in Rome (Oct 2-29, 1994); visited Milan (Lecco) 

After Appointment as Bishop of Chittagong (1995-2010)

  1. West Bengal and Bangladesh Bishops’ Conference Meeting in Calcutta (June 23 – July 3, 1995) 24. Radio Veritas Bengali Council Meeting in Calcutta (March 5-12, 1996) 
  2. Bishop Lumen Monteiro’s Consecration in Agartola, India (Mary 24-28, 1996) 
  3. Family visit to Calcuatta (June 7-9, 1996) 
  4. FABC: Workshop on Social Communication and FABC-OSC Meeting, Tagatay, Philippines (July 9-10, 1996) 
  5. Visit to South Bend, Indiana to give a talk on “Holiness in Holy Cross” to the Holy Cross Indiana Provincial Assembly (June 9-14, 1997) Toronto (14-17, 1997), Montreal (17-25, 1997) and Belgium (25-29, 1997). 
  6. Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue Meeting in Rome, October 20-Nov. 2nd 1998.
  1. Visit to the relatives in Calcutta from Dec. 29 to Jan. 5, 1999. 
  2. Visit to Shilong, Meghaloya from 22-26 August, 2000. 
  3. Meeting the Asian Movement for Christian Unity (FABC+CCA) 27th January till February 1st 2001, in Chiangmay, Thailand. 
  4. Ad Limina Visti to Rome and other visits to United Emirates of Arabs (Dubai), Malta, Belgium from 6th May till June 1, 2001 
  5. Meeting on “The Role of Women in the Society and the Church” by FABC in Sri Lanka, from 9-16 September, 2002. 
  6. Visit to the relatives in Calcutta from June 4-11, 2002 
  7. Agartola in India to preside over the Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion the errection of the Holy Cross Province in Northeast India from May 22-26, 2003. 
  8. Trip to Darjeeling and Calcutta for holidays and visiting relatives in May 22-31, 2004 39. FABC Plenary Assembly in South Korea, August 16-24, 2004 
  9. Ad Limina Visit in Rome, June 2007 
  10. Congress for the Apostleship of the Seas in Poland and visit to Belgium in 2007.
  1. Beatification of Fr. Basil Anthony Mary Moreau in Lemans, France, visit to Belgium and Canada in 2008. 
  2. FABC Plenary Assembly in the Manila, Philippines in August 2010 
  3. Canonization of Bro. Andre Bassette, csc. in Rome and Montreal, visit to Dubai and Belgium in October 2010. 

After appointment as Coadjutor Archbishop of Dhaka 

  1. FABC Meeting in Bangkok in May, 2011, in July 2011 

After appointment as Archbishop of Dhaka (2011 ) 

Year 2012 

  1. Visit to Rome with 13 Pilgrims for the reception of Pallium in Rome, June 23-2nd July 2012 47. Visit to USA – New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Birmingham, in July 3-17, 2012 48. Visit to Beligum July 17-25th 2012 
  2. Inauguration of the Year of Faith: visit to Rome (October 5-11); visit to Belgium with Sr. Lillian. (Oct. 12-15, 2012) 
  3. FABC Plenary Assembly in Vietnam, December 9-17, 2012 – Celebration of 40th Anniversary of FABC 

Year 2013 

  1. FABC Meeting in Bangkok and Climate Change Seminar in October 21-25, 2013 
  2. Visit to Kolkata – December 1-5, 2013 
  3. International Conference on Revisiting Vatican II, Bangalore, February 1-4, 2013, and visiting relatives in Kolkata in January 27-30th January 
  4. FABC Meeting of OLF and other Office Meeting in February 14-18, 2013 


Year 2014

  1. Visit to Kolkata 8-13 February, 2014 – 50th Anniversary of wedding of my niece Tara Gomes and Medical Purpose (for first few days) Rina and Prashanto. Ranaghat visit. 
  2. FABC Meetings: OLF and Standing Committee, March 20-25, 2014 
  3. FABC Meetings: Bila on SCC in Bangkok, 25-30th September, 2014 
  4. FABC – AYD in South Korea, Visit of Holy Father, August 12-20, 2014 
  5. Rome: Extraordinary Synod in Rome, 5-19th October,

Year 2015 

  1. FABC-OLF: BILa-10, Bangkok, Thailand, March 3-6, 2015 
  2. Pastoral Visits to: USA: Long Island, Newark, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Washington, Virginia, Bermuda, Canada: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, July 1-August 6, 2015 

Year 2016 

  1. FABC Central Committee Meeting, Joint Planning Meeting and FABC-OLF Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, Februry 14-18, 2016 
  2. FABC- Seminar on Shepherding Families in Asia, Organized jointly by FABC-OLF and FABC-OC, Salesian Spirituality Center, Hua Hin, Thailand, May 16-21, 2016 
  3. Pilgrimage to Rome with a group – 1 of 40 lay people for the Holy Year ( 27 Aug. to September 9, 2016) and Canonization of Mother Theresa on Sept. 4, 2016 
  4. Consistory in Rome on 19 November with a group of 55 persons from 15-23 November, 2016 66. FABC Plenary Assembly in Sri Lanka from 29 November to 4th December, 2016 
  5. Visit to Relatives and Family Gathering in Kolkata and Reception as Cardinal from December 27 to January 4, 2016. 

Year 2017 

68. First Visit as Cardinal from 6-11 January to Tungipara, Gopalganj and Jobarpar, Ghorarpar,
      Gournadi, Barisal, Padrishibpur, Sonatola and Rakhaine Community, Baniarchor, Narikelbari, etc.
69. FABC- OLF and Central Committee Meeting, 5-9 March, 2017
70. Visit to Europe 3-22 May, 2017: Meeting the Holy Father, Taking possession of the Church of our
       Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and the Canadian Martyrs (13-14), London 15-18; 18-20 Dubai
71. Asian Youth Day in Indonesia, 1-7 August, 2017
72. Papal Visit to Bangladesh November 30-December 2, 201

Year 2018

  1. Visit to Families in Padrishibpur, 27 Dec. to 2nd January 
  2. FABC OLF and Central Committee meeting, 18-21 March. 
  3. Visit to Kolkata at the Death of my brother Herald D’Rozario, 11-14 
  4. Visit to Kolkata to see my sister on 10-12 April. 
  5. AD Limina Visit of Bangladesh to Rome from 16-30 May, and also Leuven. 
  6. First Visit after being Cardinal from 19th July to August 22: Trip took me to New York, New Jersy, Long Island, Cunnecticat, North Carolina, Washington, Maryland, Virginia, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto, etc. 
  7. Visit to Padrishibpur: Wedding Jubilee of Pankaj and Rani Dec. 27-2nd Jan. 

Year 2019

  1. Visit to Kolkata: 6-11 February as Papal Delegate for the World day of the Sick that included Babu and Shoma’s 25 Wed. Anniversary, trip to Bandel, etc. 
  2. Rome Meeting on Safeguarding of the Minors, 20-26th February. 
  3. First Visit to Australia: Sydney and Melbourne from March 24 to April 8. 
  4. Visit to Kolkata, Krishna Nagar, Ranaghat, Putu’s Marriage 8-12 May. 

Year 2020

84. Covid-19 Pandemic has hit Bangladesh too. Shutdown, lockdown, etc. mad life very irregular.
85. Acceptance of my Resignation from the position of the Archbishop of Dhaka by Pope Francis on
      30th September, handed over on 5th Oct. shifted to the CBCB Center on 15.
86. Pilgrimage to Historical Heritage in Khulna Division from 6th Nov to 10th Nov. which took us to
      Faridpur, Gopalganj, Meherpur, Bagerhat, Kustia, Jessore, Natore by by viisiting Tungipara,
      Khulna Bishop’s House, Chalna and Sundaban, Boborpara, Mujib Nagar, Sat Gonbuj Moshjid,
      Khan Jahan Ali Mazar, Lalonshah, shagordari, Michael Modhushudhan Dutta, Kuthi Bari of
      Rabindranath, COB in Kushtia, Bonpara, etc.
87. Installation of Abp. Bijoy N. Cruze, omi, and Reception to him and to me, the Archbishop’s
      Emeritus of Dhaka, on 27th November, 2020 in Cathedral.

২০২১ খ্রিষ্টবর্ষ: অবসরকাল

১) চট্টগ্রাম ধর্মপ্রদেশ পরিদর্শন: এগারো বছর পর: দিয়াঙ তীর্থযাত্রা, পার্বত্য অঞ্চলের সকল প্যারিশ ভ্রমণ, সব মিলে ৯ টি প্যারিশ পরিদর্শন (ফেব্রুয়ারি ৮-১৮)
২) এসএমআরএ সিস্টারদের নির্জন ধ্যানসভা। মোট ১৮০ জন চার ভাগে, ৭দিন করে এক একটি নির্জনসভা পরিচালনা (এপ্রিল-জুন)
৩) প্রকাশনা: বার্তাসংকলন Ñ ১, পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যাÑ৫০ (বড়দিন); উপদেশ সংকলন Ñ ১, পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যাÑ১৫৪ (পুনুরুত্থান)
৪) “কার্ডিনাল-পরম্পরা”: নীতিমালা প্র¯‘তি, ওয়েভপেইজ পরিকল্পনা মে-ডিসেম্বর।
৫) প্রকাশনা: বক্তব্য ও রচনা Ñ প্রথম খÐ, পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যাÑ৩০০ (১লা অক্টে াবর), বক্তব্য ও রচনা Ñ দ্বিতীয় খÐ, পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যাÑ৩০০ (১লা অক্টে াবর)।
৬) প্রকাশনা: কার্ডিনালের জীবন স্মৃতি (লেখক: যোসেফ ডি’রোজারিও), পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা প্রায় ৩০০-৩৫০; নভেম্বর ৩০।

Countries Visited (34) 

Asia: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Hongkong, Indonesia, Nepal, Korea, Vietman, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Israel. 

Oceania: Australia 

Europe: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Malta, Spain, England, Ireland, Poland, 

America: United States of America, Canada, Bermuda


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